I have learned that old nova T Aurigae is an eclipsing binary star with a period of 4h 54m, depth 0.18 mag and duration of about 40 mins. Although challenging, being a 15th magnitude star, I wonder where I can get ephemeris of this interesting star. I would like to follow an eclipse to see if I can record it.
Thank you
I see that VSX offers an ephemeris for T Aur. I don't know its accuracy. The source for the elements is listed in "Remarks" on the VSX page. Absolute worst case: a 5 hour time series is guaranteed give you both eclipses (plus any additional variability).
Gary Billings
Hi Gianluca,
I have updated the VSX entry of the star with the most recent determination from Bob Nelson's O-C files.
I have made a phase plot using recent AAVSO data and the elements agree perfectly.
So now you can get eclipse predictions simply by clicking on the Ephemeris link in the Epoch line on T Aurigae's VSX star page.
Thank you Sebastian. That's exactly what I was looking for.