Switch from DSLR to CCD

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 12/02/2021 - 15:38

I am now planning to move from DSLR photometry to CCD photometry. I plan to purchase an ASI 1600MM Pro CCD camera. Although I am primarily interested in determining the period of variable stars and the change of periods. DSLR photometry is well suited for this task. But I want my data to be usable by others. If anyone has experience with photometry with the ZWO ASI 1600MM, please let me know. I currently have a ZWO LRGB filter kit. The "G" filter covers the transmission characteristics of the Johnson V filter quite well. What filter code should be used to populate measurements with this filter?



Variable Stars South (VSS)
ASI 1600MM Pro Camera


I use this camera for photometry, mostly using a V filter alone for light curve timing, plotting non-transformed magnitudes, and sometimes V and B for transformed magnitudes. I have obtained transformation coefficients for ASI R, G and B astrophotography filters, but have not captured any transformed magnitudes of variable stars with them. I have used the R astrophotography filter for differential photometry of eclipsing binaries for light curve timing, because the transform with Cousins R is independent of the colour indices of photometric standard stars.

Others may comment on the filter code.

This is a 12 bit CMOS camera, not a CCD.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
ASI 1600MM Pro Camera

Dear Roy

Thanks for your reply and correction !!!! You're right!

I wanted to highlight the switch from DSLR.

40 years ago I performed photomultiplayer measurements on cepheids and RR Lyrae type stars at the Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. I just came back as an amateur. I would still like to measure cepheid-type stars, primarily for Blazkho-effect cepheids. I want my measurements to be used by others.



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Transforms for ASI Filters


I have recently replaced my DSLR with an ASI2600MM Pro and a set of LRGB ZWO filters. I would like to do photometry with this set up especially since my main Proline camera has been off for repair. Can you post your transformation coefficients for your ZWO Filters/ASI camera?

