Submit High Error B Images if no Other Images Have been uploaded of UCAC4 457-001970?

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Fri, 12/20/2019 - 15:36

Hello! I've been imaging RR CET. It appears that a variable, UCAC4 457-001970, is also in my image field.

    Using the RR CET images, I get errors of the UCAC4 star as I about 0.06 to 0.1 mag, V about 0.2 to 0.35 mag, and B of 0.4 to over 1 mag, given the exposures I used for RR Cet.

    The I-filtered images would be worthwhile to submit. In the absence of submissions from anyone, would it worth submitting B and V images, at least until other images in these filters are submitted by other observers? Or are the error ranges too large to be useful? Thank you and best regards.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
submitting high error magnitude estimates


I's say probably no, but as long as you report you errors properly there is no harm done.  Perhaps there are ways you could change how you observe this field that would give you better precision for the UCAC4 variable while still providing good measurements for the primary target.  How do you make your observations now?



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thanks! I would not normally

Thanks! I would not normally do so. The target is RR CET and the UCAC4 star would be ancillary and I do not want to disrupt the cadence on RR CET since its period is 12 hours. If others were/had uploaded data onthe UCAC4 star, I would not upload the high error range B-filtered (and probably not the V-filtered) data. However, being the only one observing the star, I was not sure if such high error range observations might be milldy useful. Best regards.
