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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Sun, 10/08/2023 - 19:51

Hi, next month I've been observing sunspots for a year. I would like to start the SID detection, I found the ukrra site which sells both the receiver and the antenna, but since I have no experience can you tell me if it is suitable and which components to buy?
Thanks, this is the site:


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
New to SID monitoring

Greetings Maurizio,

The equipment link you posted looks interesting, but I am not familiar with that equipment and how its output could be compatible with the AAVSO SID project. You would need to find learning materials and a mentor familiar with that system.

The way I have done it at the AAVSO is summarized in this poster:

There are links there to the SARA project and their SuperSid monitor. This can be purchased at:

The AAVSO project piggy-backs on the SARA project. The data goes to them but we also pull what we want.

Software to prep the data for submission is at

I've enjoyed having a SID antenna in my attic. Once a month I process the collected data for submission. Its amazing how active the sun is right now!


Hi Maurizio,

Here's another…

Hi Maurizio,

Here's another option if you are using a Raspberry Pi computer. 

I have tested the SuperSID on a Raspberry Pi. I use Nathan Towne's software with an Xonar external sound card:   If you choose the Linux route with a pi 0 or better, you’ll need to get an external sound card. I use the Xonar U5:   as there are good libraries from ASUS for Python.  The Python routines were written by Nathan Towne:

Make sure to read the AAVSO SID web pages on how to format your monthly data report:


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

Thank you for your answers, which I will read carefully including the links. I am currently building a cosmic ray (muon) detector and would like to purchase a SID detector as well. George, does the site sell the complete detector? I assume it also ships to Italy

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
sid monitoring

Besides the detector you will need a computer running 24/7 that has a good sound card. The SARA detector modulates the VLF signal to audio levels that can go into the sound card to be processed by their python software.

If you don't have a computer setup then you might investigate Rodney's suggestion of a Raspberry Pi


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

Can I contact someone if I have any doubts? Are there any Italian observatories I can contact via email?

contact for Maurizio

Hi Maurizio,

Please email me at for an email address of Roberto Battaiola, Milan, Italy.  Also, if you are to contribute your monthly SID recordings from DHO or ICV, etc. I'll have to issue you an AAVSO ID.  You'll need to read up on the report format

I'll need to see a couple daily scans of your 24 hour plot and perhaps a photo of your antenna.  Just for the records.  

Hope you want to be a long-time observer!
