Presentation Library

As part of our outreach and education commitment, the AAVSO provides a list of prepared PowerPoint presentations written by AAVSO members, intended for you to use in a talk or presentation about variable stars and how to study them. These presentations cover a wide range of topics: from Variable Star Observing Techniques to Dark Sky Preservation to CCD Photometry Techniques. Intended audiences range from general public to advanced astronomy meetings.

Please Note: Each presentation is the property of the author unless otherwise noted and proper credit should be given when referencing these documents. While the AAVSO offers these presentations, it is not responsible for the content, accuracy or opinions offered in any of the presentations.

We invite you to contribute to the library if you can. Available presentations are listed alphabetically.

100 Years of Citizen Astronomy
by Mike Simonsen

Amateur Science - Getting Started in Photometry
by Tom Krajci

Cataclysmic Variables for Visual Observers
by Mike Simonsen

Combat Photometry
by Tom Krajci

Differential Photometry
by Tim Crawford

DSLR Photometry
by Mike Durkin

Epsilon Aurigae Mystery and Opportunity
by Mike Simonsen

The Fascinating Universe of Variable Stars (also available in PDF version)
by Gordon Myers

Fotometria de Estrelas Variáveis na Cidade (Photometry of Variable Stars in the City)
by João Alveirinho Correia (2015)

Gloucester Lighting
by Mario Motta, M.D.

Introduction to: AAVSO and How to Make a Visual Estimate
by Chuck Pullen

¡Aprenda cómo divertirse haciendo observaciones de estrellas variables!
by Chuck Pullen (translated into Spanish by Jaime García) (2001)

by Chuck Pullen (translated into Traditional Chinese by Tao Fan-Lin)

Introduction to: Visual and CCD Observing of Variable Stars
by Tim Crawford (2007)

Let's do some Science - AAVSO Variable Star Programs for Citizen Scientists
by Ed Wiley (2019)

Life After Messier
by Mike Simonsen

A Nearby Microlens: Pro-Am Collaboration
by Bob Koff

Pourquoi pas observer les étoiles variables?
by Pierre de Ponthiere (2007)

Pro-Am Collaboration: Multi-periodic RR Lyrae Stars, and Other Success Stories From the AAVSO
by Pamela Gay

Stand Back!
by Mike Simonsen

Traveling AAVSO Presentation
by Mike Simonsen

Variable Star Estimation Exercise
by Sara Beck

Variable Star Observing With CCDs
by Tim Crawford

Variable Stars - Fun and Science
by Sara Beck

Variable Stars and the Stories They Tell
by Mike Simonsen

Variable Stars, the AAVSO, and You
by Mike Simonsen

The Case for Visual Observations
by Roger Kolman