Online Meeting for the LPV Section

Announcement: New Forums

We are excited to announce the launch of our new forums! You can access it For questions, please see our blog post. The forums at have become read-only.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Mon, 01/22/2024 - 02:01

Greetings to all LPV Observers! I plan to host (with the assistance of the AAVSO's resources) an online Zoom meeting for the Section. Tentatively, I've scheduled this meeting for 17 February 2024. The other AAVSO sections host online meetings every month or two and it looks as though the participants find these useful and interesting. It's about the best way I know to communicate between observers with common observing interests. Email works for specific comms between 2 or a few people, but does not work so well for community interaction. The proposed meeting will be a first for the LPV Section, at least in the recent geologic era. The agenda will not be specific and rigid - this is more of an introductory get together for us to decide what we want to do henceforth, and how and why. I will soon send out an agenda of sorts and I seek your input for whatever else we could talk about. Also, I will firm up the data and time for the meeting, and let you know.

Mike Soukup, SOI

LPV Section Co-leader

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Online meeting

One thing we've learned over the last few years is that zoom type meetings are a great way for people in far distant places to meet easily in a face-to-face way.  I'm eager to see this develop for the LPV section, please add me to any mailing list for announcements!

Bill Goff

astroguyinsc -at-gmail-dot-com

Being added for the meeting

Hi Frank -- there's no actual email list anyone needs to be added to. The AAVSO folks tell me to put the ZOOM link in a post to this Forum topic. I think the link will also be in the AAVSO calendar. So, just tune in to an upcoming (today or tomorrow I hope) post here for the link.


Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren (Belgium) (VVS)
Online ZOOM meeting


although I am not an LPV observer per se, you can add me to the mailing list.

hambsch at telenet dot be

Josch Hambsch (HMB)

Confirmed Date and Time - LPV Section Meeting

OK, here is the date and time for our first Section meeting:

The data and time also are given in the AAVSO online Calendar.

Saturday  17 February 2024 at 10:00 MST (1700 UTC).


I will next post the ZOOM link for the meeting in this Forum. This should happen today or tomorrow,

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
ZOOM Link for the LPV Section Online Meeting

Hi Folks --

Here is the ZOOM link for the Section meeting this Saturday, 17 February at 10:00am MST (17:00 UTC):


I noticed in the AAVSO Calendar I have the wrong time listed for the meeting. It is incorrectly listed as 5:00pm. I've asked that this be changed to 10:00am MST (i.e., 17:00 UTC).

Chao to all! Hope to see you on Saturday.


Mike Soukup