A nova has been discovered in Scorpius, N Sco 04, at around 11.98 visual magnitude. The spectrum is similar to that of V723 Cas, indicating that this might be a "slow" nova. If this is a slow nova, it may take several weeks to brighten to maximum, with fluctuations in brightness along the way. Visual and CCD observers (and PEP observers if it brightens into range), please observe it every clear night, being careful not to let your earlier observations influence you, and report your observations to AAVSO Headquarters. Please make sure to indicate which comparison stars you used.
- Alert Notice 307 - Nova in Scorpius
- AAVSO Charts - D Scale
- Variable Star of the Month articles on the slow nova, V723 Cas as well as other historical novae.
The spectrum and image shown below by Maurice Gavin also appear on his website: http://home.freeuk.com/m.gavin/nsco04.htm