There are many RCB stars for which we don't have good BVRI photometry when they are at or near maximum light.
# Stars At Maximum NOW:
AO Her , SU Tau, V2552 Oph, V3795 Sgr, V4017 Sgr, V517 Oph, V532 Oph, ASAS-RCB-5, ASAS-RCB-14, ASAS-RCB-16, ASAS-RCB-17
# Stars Rising - getting near maximum.
V391 Sct, ASAS-RCB-7, ASAS-RCB-18, ASAS-RCB-19, ASAS-RCB-21, IRAS 1813.5-2419
BVRI photometry of any of these stars while they are at max would be very useful.
I am willing to observe some of the stars mentioned from my remote observatory in Chile.
Please give priority to 5 of the stars.
We met some years ago at the meeting in Armagh. As you know I follow V348 Sgr since a couple of years in BVI filters. Data are with the AAVSO database.
I have added 5 stars ASAS-RCB-16,17,18,20,21 to my observing list. Lets see the coming nights how they behave.
Since this call came out, I have been conducting BVRI photometry on almost all GCVS listed RCB's in the southern hemisphere. All data is in the AID. I'd be interested to understand whether this is useful data and whether I should continue with maybe some guidance on cadence or when to best capture photometry (i.e at maximum or during a fade or both)
Hi Andrew,
there has not been any feedback on this thread since it was started.
I have stopped observing the RCB stars except V348 Sgr, which I observe since several years.