AL Dra

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 06/02/2022 - 11:31

This is a star I have been following occasionally as it is in an area of several others on my programme (SV, TU Dra, SZ Lyr) and it is listed as having a minimum of 13.8pg, which would be a bit brighter visually. Now I know of course that many of these values should be taken with a modicum of salt but last night I observed it at 15.1v (maybe in a slightly misty sky, though star 157 in the AY Lyr field was clearly visible) which would call for a revision of AL Dra's figures!

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
AL Dra range

The ASAS-SN lightcurve from the last 5 years shows the range roughly as 9.8 < V < 14.5.  The much more sparse AID coverage over the same interval, mainly by Eric Dose, suggests it gets close to V ~15.0 at minimum.
