Alt-Azimuth mounts

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Sat, 12/27/2014 - 03:08

I do single-channel photometry, which takes place at the center of the field of view of the telescope.  As such, I do not care about field rotation during tracking.  However, fork-mounted instruments pose a major headache for me in alt-az mode, because the photometer will not swing through the fork arms, cutting off anything above about 65 degrees in altitude.  I am looking for a portable GOTO alt-azimuth mount of a configuration that will let me access (or nearly access) the zenith with an SCT optical tube of about 10 or 11 inches diameter.  The iOptron Minitower Pro look like a possibility, though I would be pushing the upper end of its weight capacity.  Does anyone have experience with this device or an alternative?  



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
A simple idea

Hi, Being of the "DIY" persuasion, what I would do would be simply cut the fork arms and insert a stiff angle iron to extend them as far as required for the "swing thru"! 

Mike LMK