Opportunity to join a Pro-am team observing WR stars from Tenerife next summer

British Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section (BAA-VSS)
Wed, 10/10/2012 - 10:51

There is an interesting opportunity for amateur spectroscopists to make some research quality observations from a professional facility (See message below. )  So far there are 19 amateur and 1 professional campaign members who plan to go to Teide (20 overall from Germany, France, Poland, Danmark, Australia, Spain, Portugal). Because there are currently two teams of four members and one team of three we still need more observers to cover the full observing period. Presently we can establish only 7 teams at best.  Deadline is November 1.


----- Original Message -----
From: <tome06@...>
To: <spectro-l@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 7:17 AM
Subject: [spectro-l] ProAm campaign in 2013 - 2nd announcement - IAC80

Dear spectroscopy afficionados!

I am pleased to inform you that Tony Moffat (Université de Montréal) and me
have been successful with a proposal for four months (!) at Teide IAC80
telescope for an investigation of the Wolf-Rayet stars WR 134, WR 135 and WR
137 (see http://www.stsci.de/wr134/index.htm for details) in the Cygnus
constellation. These observations are connected to a number of professional
and amateur observations worldwide. We are now looking for volunteers to go
to this world class astronomy site for two weeks, at least. At
www.stsci.de/wr134/pdf/2nd_announcement.pdf you will find our announcement
for observations on Tenerife including some first information about our
campaign and the request for interested Teide observers. We will perform
consecutive first-class Echelle measurements for high-quality research.

I want to take the opportunity to remind you in our 1st announcement at
www.stsci.de/wr134/pdf/1st_announcement.pdf. It contains a request for
observers from their backyard observatories anywhere in the world. If you
can fulfill our technical needs in spectral resolution, S/N and exposure
time don’t hesitate to join us.

I consider this as an excellent opportunity for amateurs to do real science
together with professionals either at a modern astronomical observatory or
from the backyard. And as for our WR 140 campaign at the Mons telescope on
Tenerife in 2008/09 it is again a wonderful chance to bind the international
spectroscopic amateur community together, support newbies and youngsters and
bring the profound amateur knowledge to professional’s attention.

Part of the ongoing discussions will take place in the ProAm ConVento Group
forum of the German VdS spectroscopy section (see
http://spektroskopieforum.vdsastro.de/viewforum.php?f=32, registration is
necessary). This forum is directly linked to a respective mailing list.
Campaign language is English. Ask, if you need help and join us.

Cheers, Thomas