Kilonova Catcher Project by GRANDMA

British Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section (BAA-VSS)
Sat, 02/13/2021 - 22:59

I'd like to promote the Kilonova-Catcher citizen science project here. This seems to be perfect for collaboration with High Energy Network observers of the AAVSO.


If you haven't watched it already, the second part of this AAVSO webinar "AAVSO Webinar, with Melanie Crowson and Dr. Sarah Antier"

is a perfect introduction into this subject. The second part where Dr Sarah Antier explains this starts at around 39min  into the webinar.


Thoughts? Feedback? I'd like to know what other observers here think about this.




British Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section (BAA-VSS)
If you think about joining…

If you think about joining Kilonova Catchers, NOW is a good time because there will be a Zoom meeting for new members on Wednesday. Details on how to join are in the video linked above.



British Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section (BAA-VSS)
I don't want to put the…

I don't want to put the password protected Zoom link here, but as Sarah mentioned in the slides at ca 1:29, you can write to  antier{at}  to be added to the KilonovaCatcher mailing list, and to get the link for the zoom call.


Hope to see some of you on the Wednesday call then.




British Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section (BAA-VSS)
Here is the agenda for the…

Here is the agenda for the meeting (again, write to Sarah for login details):


General news about the project

  • Updates on the development plan of the web application KN-Catcher
  • Vote soon for the KN-Catcher logo!

How GW alerts are distributed and how to observe them ?

  • Reminder about the GW optical follow-up workflow
  • What kind informations I will receive from GRANDMA to perform my observations ?
  • Where to find those informations ?
  • How to perform the observations
  • Where to post my images ?

Some help ?

  • Review of the outreach/FAQ doc in your KNC program made by B. Chabert (GRANDMA intern) about GW astronomy
  • Let’s analyse together scientific publications !
  • Photometry training: test your ability to measure the magnitude of a source in single and stacked exposures.



British Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section (BAA-VSS)
Next meeting, April 4th 2022

KilonovaCatchers are preparing for the beginning of the next observation run of gravitational wave detectors, hopefully in December 2022.

Until then, a new practice run will be done so we can improve our rapid response observations and test the new webpages provided by KilonovaCatchers.

You will be able to learn more about all this is in an upcoming Zoom meeting, announced by Sarah Antier:


Dear all Kilonova-Catcher astronomers,

it is time to resume our meetings (on zoom) to give you the latest news about the projects and the future plans especially on April 2022 we would like to make a short (1 month) new observation training session by following-up fast transient sources : the Gamma-ray Bursts !

We will explain that in the meeting that will occur on 2022 April, monday 4th at 18h30 UTC (20h30 Paris local time). This meeting will last about 1 hour and we will discuss the following topics:

1/ 19h30-19h45 (UTC):  For the new comers, a short introduction of what is GRANDMA and the Kilonova-Catcher project + the latest  news (15 minutes by Alain Klotz)

2/ 19h45-20h (UTC) : Presentation of the results of the last training campaign "ReadyforO4". Feedback loops (15 minutes by Sarah Antier)

3/ 20h-20h20 (UTC) : Presentation and demonstration of the new kilonova-catcher website (20 min by Damien Turpin)

4/ 20h20 - 20h30 (UTC): Short-term plans to train ourseleves again and again. Presentation of the new follow-up training session with Gamma-ray bursts detected by the Swift satellite (10 min by S. Antier and D. Turpin)

5/ Conclusions and scheduling of the next meeting.


We will communicate a zoom link for the visio conference soon.

For those who could not attend, we plan to record the meeting and send you back the video.

See you soon !

All the best.

Damien Turpin and Sarah Antier on behalf of the Kilonova-Catcher team




Unable to Register

Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein's how-to webinar (Feb 2022) is also available and has prompted me to join the Kilonova Catchers.  But when I try to input one of my telescopes on their website and click validate it goes off to a check.php page that never returns.  An obvious potential problem is observatory lat and long - I tried positive north and negative west, both positive with N and W.  Neither made any difference.  And I was sure to fill in every parameter.  Does anybody have any hints?



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

Hi Richard,


I would drop a email to and he can help you work through the registration.  I am a member of the group and it is a good team and gives us the opportunity as amateurs to make some scientific contributions. Welcome



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Kilonova Catcher Citizen Science Project

Hello Fellow members of the HEN:

I just participated a few hours ago in the AAVSO "How to" webinar where Dr. Heinz Bernd Eggenstein gave an very interesting talk on the HEN section, 

I watched the Sara Atelier´s talk on Grandma and the Kilonova Catcher Project, and wrote her an email asking to be admitted.

I also downloaded the Astro.Colibri app: it's really neat!

Great talk! I got a lot out of it.

Patrick Kavanagh, Copernicus Club, Mexico

British Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section (BAA-VSS)
Glad you liked it!. Small…

Glad you liked it!. Small correction:It's just Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein, no Dr :-) , I have a Diplom-Inform. degree  of Computer Science from Dortmund University in Germany, something that is somewhere between a Bachelor and Master degree (before Germany switched to the Bachelor/Master ) :-)

