KIC 8462852-Cygnus

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Sat, 10/17/2015 - 18:19

Is there an AAVSO designation for this star yet or a sequence?

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Sequence For KIC 8462852

Sorry this took so long for you to get a response.

Yes, There is now a sequence for this target but it still lacks an AUID (it has been requested) and therefore to get the sequence at the moment the observer will have to key in the coordiantes into the VSP to pull up the FOV, until such time as an AUID is assigned.

At the moment I have the following coordinates for this target, but have no idea, if they will be the offical coordinates, but they will work in the meantime:

RA:     20 06 15.47           DEC: +44 27 24.7

Good Observing & Ad Astra

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
AUID for KIC 8462852

Thanks for the reply Tim. How long does it take to get the AUID assignment usually? I did pull the charts for this using its coordinates. I guess for now I could send my data to the exo database.

Also, regarding SZ Per. I saw it was taken off the variable star list. But I find the old outburst observations interesting and don't think it should be ignored. I'm a little confused about the classification of this one too.

In doing some baseline research for photometry on this star, I show nothing at the current VSX position for this star down to about mag 20.

Has anyone had ANY luck in getting a fixed position for this one? All I see in the AAVSO are some older visual estimates for SZ Per but nothing current.

But I'm not convinced they are even for the correct star. Any help or images would be appreciated. Just trying to add some interesting stars to my list since I will be retiring next year and have much more time to devote to observing.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)


At the moment I have the following coordinates for this target, but have no idea, if they will be the offical coordinates, but they will work in the meantime:

RA:     20 06 15.47           DEC: +44 27 24.7


This is Tycho star 3162-665-1 at 20:06:15.46 +44:27:24.6 (J2000). Since it is obviously now a variable and of unknown/unusual type, it should get an AUID right away, I think.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
KIC 8462852 AUID

KIC 8462852 now has an AUID, so you can generate charts, submit observations, etc. The coordinates from VSX are  20 06 15.45 +44 27 24.8.

Good observing!

Elizabeth Waagen