web obs bug near decimal of day

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Mon, 04/20/2015 - 19:39

Hi - this might also be a 'software' post as well.

Sometimes, when I submit an observation of a slowly-varying star with a 'true' JD of (say) xxxxxxx.47 this will be rounded up at this end to xxxxxxx.5 - but if the exact time of xxxxxxx.5 has not yet been reached the observation is rejected by the usual 'observation must be between such-and-such a time and now' alert box. Is there any way around this, other than by providing needless accuracy for a 'red' observation?

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
JD Error


This 0.03 day difference (0.47 vs 0.5 Day) amounts to  43 minutes of time error.  I know this is a slowly varying star, but this sounds excessive to me.  This error can be substantially reduced for "Free".
