W30's filter wheel failed on 2011-02-10. The flats from that night were also used to process images taken on 2011-02-08, so those images are also "bad" for the moment. We are in the process of redoing the 110208 images and will let you know when they are restored. The question is when the filter wheel failed. Certainly the beginning of the night on 110210 is bad, so it was sometime between mid-110208 and beginning of 110210. No images were taken on 110209, and so once the proper flatfielding is applied to the night of 110208, we'll inspect images and see if it failed during the night.
We've now reprocessed the 2011-02-08 images using older flats. The filter wheel was working properly for most of the night, but looks like it finally failed around image 596 (BQ_Vir). So all subsequent images on that night, and all images from 2011-02-10, should be discarded in your processing. Everything after this should be fine.