We are excited to announce the launch of our new forums! You can access it forums.aavso.org. For questions, please see our blog post. The forums at aavso.org/forum have become read-only.
Announcement: New Applications
We are excited to announce the launch of our new applications! We're opening up early access to our new applications for searching, downloading, and submitting photometric observations. You can now access these applications through these links:
We ask for your feedback in order to help us improve these applications. Please send feedback for the applications above to feedback@aavso.org. Note: please avoid duplicating submissions across the two submit applications.
U Gem appears to be going into outburst, according to observations from Mike Linnolt, Rod Stubbings, and Gordon Myers. Further observations are essential to confirm that the outburst is underway in order for PI Deanne Coppejans to decide whether to trigger radio observations. Please submit your observations to the AAVSO via WebObs immediately and send email to Deanne Coppejans, Dr. Matthew Templeton, and Elizabeth Waagen (d.coppejans@astro.ru.nl, matthewt@aavso.org, eowaagen@aavso.org).
I had a chance to observe for a few hours when it all started but since then clouds have grounded me. Forecasted chance for me is on Wednesday. Fingers crossed!
My 'scope power supply is charged and ready, but like Umair, I won't be able to observe until at least Wednesday night when the snow showers stop and we get a break in the clouds. It has been cloudy since the ouburst began. Very disappointing. Perhaps I'll get in a few estimates on the downslope!
I sent your outburst observation, and your previous quiescent observation made the night before to BAA alert group and CVnet.
U Gem was at 13.7 last night at 07:29 on February 21
I had it at <14.1 on 02/21 00/29 UT.
Larry SLH
U Gem appears to be going into outburst, according to observations from Mike Linnolt, Rod Stubbings, and Gordon Myers. Further observations are essential to confirm that the outburst is underway in order for PI Deanne Coppejans to decide whether to trigger radio observations. Please submit your observations to the AAVSO via WebObs immediately and send email to Deanne Coppejans, Dr. Matthew Templeton, and Elizabeth Waagen (d.coppejans@astro.ru.nl, matthewt@aavso.org, eowaagen@aavso.org).
Good observing, Elizabeth Waagen
It is 12.5 a few minutes ago from Lahore, Pakistan (31.28, 74.22) 04:00 GMT. Taking more data right now.
I can confirm (based on raw data) that U Gem is in V between 12.2 and 12.3.
Shooting a series now.
Best wishes,
I measured U Gem approx mag 9.5 last night. Images are probably saturated, so magnitude maybe not perfectly correct.
Josch (HMB)
I had a chance to observe for a few hours when it all started but since then clouds have grounded me. Forecasted chance for me is on Wednesday. Fingers crossed!
Umair Asim
Lahore, Pakistan.
31.28, 74.22
My 'scope power supply is charged and ready, but like Umair, I won't be able to observe until at least Wednesday night when the snow showers stop and we get a break in the clouds. It has been cloudy since the ouburst began. Very disappointing. Perhaps I'll get in a few estimates on the downslope!
I think U Gem peaked out at 9.3 in V. I managed to get data both sides of the peak too in V and B. JD2457076.28600 - 2457076.30600
On this topioc of Aras Forum,
one can see the spectrum of U Gem during the rise, with especially absorptions of Balmer lines
and in the second spectrum, near maximum luminosity the weak emission of H alpha and complex features of other Balmer lines
See the double peak of H alpha line (v sin i = 1000 km/s) from the accretion disk
François Teyssier
Sorry for the question, but i measured it in 2014 12 09 with mag close to 13,86. only now im ready to do photometry but with sloan filters.
Are they welcomed?
thank for the spectrometry on the object!