TCP J18154219+3515598 (UG:)
RA 18:15:42:19, DEC +35:15:59.8 (J2000.0)
2017 June 4.31 UT, 11.8 mag (CCD, unfiltered)
Discoverer: N.N.
For more information see
Visual magnitude estimate by P. Schmeer, Bischmisheim, Germany:
TCPJ18154219+3515598 20170605.953 116 SPK
Time-resolved photometry and spectroscopy of this possible WZ Sge-type dwarf nova are urgently required.
Clear skies,
Thank you Patrick, you make my day, ...early...
A few minutes after your message I woke up and at UTC 1h53 I observed this "new star", my visual estimation was 11.6 using the Tycho2 catalogue.
As usual I did a sketch of the field (attached) and pursue some estimations of other objects such as the SN in NGC6946 (with mag +/-13)