SN 2014G in NGC 3448

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Sun, 01/19/2014 - 19:47

There is a new relatively bright (V~ 14.5)  SN Type IIn in NGC 3448 (RA ~ 11 hr, Dec ~ +54).  I would appreciate any help obtaining the form of filtered CCD images that can be used to measure photometry.  I am interested primarilly in Johnson V filtered images with a cadence of 1-2 days.  As a bonus I would like having B, Ic , or Rc filtered CCD images (in that order of preference).

This campaign is similar to past ones I have organized for SN 2009ip and SN 2013cj.  It is part of NSF project AST 1108890 gathering observational data for supernova impostors and Type IIn SNe.  Anyone who pitches in will get credit on publications that include their data.

If you want to help out email me at jmart5 _at_  Thanks.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Sequence for SN 2014G

Tom Bretl created a nice sequence for this SNe. An f scale DSS chart and some clear sky is all you need.


Mike Simonsen

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

Thanks Mike,

I took an image on the 14th, I hadn't realized some comps had been added later.

UIS01, I measured SN 2014G at 15.2, but it wasn't ideal conditions, I guess it'll be much fainter now.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
On the way up

It was on the way up on the 14th.  Andy Cason sent me some images that showed it at about 14.5 three days ago.  It may be brighter or fainter by the time we get past bright time.  It is hard yo predict with IIn's but it could drop like a rock or it could stay bright for quite awhile.

I'll add that visual and other reports to the IAD are helpful but since we are keeping an eye out for variations of 0.1 mag or less, I really need processed CCD images to ensure uniform calibration and sensitivity to small changes.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
SN 2014G

Hi UIS01,

The 15.2 I quoted was a V filtered ccd measurement, and I've uploaded it to the data base:)


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

I was idling during


I was idling during the observing session in 21. January for short time and noticed that message about SN2014G. Turned a Planewave CD12.5+Apogee Alta U42 on it and made three BVRI sequences close to airmass 1.0. Exposure times of 3 minutes were not too much but gave a SNR~100 for target.

Averaged heliocentric JD, transformed magnitudes in B and V and standard deviation of all measurements with individual comparison pairs are:

56678.55432 B 14.737 0.027
56678.55662 V 14.382 0.012


I used 4 comparison stars, their UCAC4 identifiers are: 722-050932, 722-050938, 722-050939, 722-050934, all of them have APASS magnitudes, too.

 Tonis Eenmae

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

Thanks for documenting your comparisons here.  I would like to encourage you to use the sequence that the AAVSO very promptly put together for this target.  It can be referenced as chart 13190JQ.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
It seems that SN 2014J has

It seems that SN 2014J has been getting a lot of the supernova community attention, but I want to encourage people to continue observing SN 2014G.  2014G is a Type IIn, which is not as well understood and some of this type may be related to supernova impostors.  

I have set up a web page to help track and coordinate this campaign:

I'd like to encourage all of you observing this object to coordinate with us so that we can get the best possible coverage while minimizing observer-to-observer systematics.  That means I'd like to have your dark subtracted and flatfielded images.  You can contact me through the AAVSO website or email me directly at jmart5 _at_