I am still devloping and using my equipment. Here are some photos of what I am trying to use for my outdoor paperwork. I use the canvas military map case to carry my clipboard, charts, gages, and a few other things. The clipboard does not fit perfactly but it works.
Fri, 12/20/2019 - 15:11
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The clipboard is clear plastic so both sides of it can be used :D
My charts and gauges are laminated so they should not be affected by moisture and I can write on them with a grease pencil and then easily wipe them off to erase.
The color of the grease pencil may be important. Red grease pencil disappears in red light.
,Hi seer,
I never thought of using a clear clipboard to see the b chart and then flip it over to see the d chart,. excellent idea. I need to look for one at my next trip to the office supply store
Steve Toothman tst
Thank you very much Steve :)
I am still using the clear clipboard, map case, laminated charts & gages, and grease pencils. I had them out last night using them. I hope to be increasing the number of variable stars that I observe in a single outing soon. I do have a concern about the clear plastic clipboard and that is how it is affected by tempreature. Some times when plastic gets cold it breaks more easily. This is something that I will be learning in time.
This is a great idea, thanks for sharing. I usually print the charts and put them in a clear sleeve , then when done it goes into a binder.
But being able to write on the board some info when observing until you can get back to your observing book is great.
Thank you very much for your reply Kim
UPDATES: I found out the hard way that if you leave your grease pencil writing on your laminations for a long period of time say days to weeks it does stain the plastic. The stain that I ended up with wasn't to bad. It didn't make the lamination unuseable.
I am encluding a few photos of a light that I put together and used for the first time last night. I bought it at Walmart years ago. I put a piece of black electrical tape on it as an eye shield. It worked very well last night. I am wondering how well the idea will work with chemical glow sticks. I will probably find out soon.
Other than a clear plastic clipboard I guess that one could also use a big bulldog clip with a foam board or something and use both sides of that.