Observer Awards—2000-2001

AAVSO 91st Spring Meeting, Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii, July 6, 2002

Variable Star Observer Awards recognizing milestones through September 2001

Award/recipient            Affiliation* Country          Interval      Total

Over 50,000 Observations

  Richard W. Schmude, Jr.               USA              1994–2001  50,334

Over 25,000 Observations
  Eddy Muyllaert                    05  Belgium          1985–2001  28,502
  Frederick R. West                     USA              1977–2001  25,346

Over 10,000 Observations
  Michael A. Simonsen                   USA              1998–2001  13,531
  Andrew Pearce                     14  Australia        1989–2001  13,252
  Peter Williams                    14  Australia        1988–2001  10,481
  Erhan Eker                            Turkey           1999–2001  10,453
  Thorsten Lange                    02  Germany          1994–2001  10,349
  Alfred Holbe                      02  Germany          1995–2001  10,298

Over 25,000 PEP/CCD Observations*
  Lewis M. Cook                         USA              1974–2001  30,596 CCD

Over 10,000 PEP/CCD Observations*
  Gerard Samolyk                        USA              1975–2001  14,387 CCD

Over 5,000 PEP/CCD Observations*
  Shawn W. Dvorak                       USA              1981–2001   7,074 CCD

Over 2,500 PEP/CCD Observations*
  Donn Ray Starkey                      USA              2000–2001   4,756 CCD
  Christopher W. Hesseltine             USA              1975–2001   3,576 CCD
  Ladislav Smelcer                      Czech Republic   1994–2001   3,391 CCD
  Robert A. James                       USA              1953–2001   3,076 CCD
  Arto Oksanen                          Finland          2000–2001   2,504 CCD

Over 1,000 PEP/CCD Observations*
  Charles Pullen                        USA              1998–2001   2,409 CCD
  Marko Moilanen                        Finland          2000–2001   1,507 CCD
  Timothy Hager                         USA              1985–2001   1,130 CCD
  Orhan Golbasi                         Turkey           2000–2001   1,019 CCD
  Nik Stoikidis                         Greece           1974–2001   1,001 PEP

* Years include total AAVSO observing interval (not only PEP/CCD observing).
Total includes PEP and/or CCD observations only (not observer’s visual contributions).

These symbols indicate observers are also affiliated with the groups below:

02 Bundesdeutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Veränderliche Sterne e.V. (BAV) (Germany)  
05 Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren (Belgium)
14 Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand, Variable Star Section