Does sombody know why NSVS cone search from VSX is forbbidden. Normaly it is able to download the NSVS photometruic data of the targets, but since several days it is impossible. The message I have got is:
You don't have permission to access /nsvs/cone_search.php on this server.
I have tried this on Mozilla Firefox, Interent Explorer and Microsoft Edge - the result is the same
The whole skydot site at the Los Alamos National Laboratory is not accesible anymore.
I can't help but thinking of something related with Trump's budget announced cuts to the Energy Department, since in some of LANL's website pages one can read things like: "Information from this server resides on a computer system funded by the U.S. Department of Energy."
I hope I'm wrong. But this doesn't look like the temporary server issues the site had in the past...