BSM_Berry2 Transformation Coefficients

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Fri, 11/20/2020 - 16:48

Transformation coefficients for BSM_Berry2 were generated on 201120. The coeffs are shown below. They have been added to the BSM_Berry2 telescope settings in VPhot and are used in VPhot color photometry.

Note that Berry2 uses a Sloan R filter rather than a Cousins R filter. These coeffs transform SR magnitudes to Cousins R magnitudes and they should be reported as such.


description= TG - Version 6.6, Telescope= BSM_Berry2, Time created (UT) = 2020_11_20_16:41:07
Tbv= 1.097
Tb_bv= 0.059
Tbr= 1.128
Tb_br= 0.039
Tb_bi= 0.030
Tbi= 1.031
Tv_bv= -0.025
Tvr= 1.197
Tv_vr= -0.042
Tr_vr= -0.203
Tri= 0.818
Tr_ri= -0.214
Ti_ri= -0.006
Tvi= 0.977
Tv_vi= -0.016
Ti_vi= -0.003
Tr_vi= -0.107
Tbv= 0.020
Tb_bv= 0.013
Tbr= 0.012
Tb_br= 0.008
Tb_bi= 0.007
Tbi= 0.007
Tv_bv= 0.010
Tvr= 0.020
Tv_vr= 0.020
Tr_vr= 0.016
Tri= 0.009
Tr_ri= 0.016
Ti_ri= 0.014
Tvi= 0.009
Tv_vi= 0.011
Ti_vi= 0.007
Tr_vi= 0.007
[R Squared Values]
Tbv= 0.994
Tb_bv= 0.643
Tbr= 0.998
Tb_br= 0.678
Tb_bi= 0.616
Tbi= 0.999
Tv_bv= 0.175
Tvr= 0.991
Tv_vr= 0.129
Tr_vr= 0.839
Tri= 0.997
Tr_ri= 0.879
Ti_ri= 0.007
Tvi= 0.997
Tv_vi= 0.092
Ti_vi= 0.009
Tr_vi= 0.876

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Coefficients in Vphot

I was working on a star and the transformed B-values for my target seemed way off and inconsistent with values I measured with OC61. The B-V for my target was about 1 to 1.1 redder than expected and the measured B-values on several check stars were all about 1 magnitude dimmer than catalog values. 

My SNR was great and the images looked good. 

Then I noticed the Tbv coefficient pre-loaded on the two color transform page was 2.814 and thought that didn't seem right. From checking here, I see that its not. When I manually changed this value to 1.097 as listed here, my check stars all agree with catalog values and the B-V on the target is consistent with expectations. 

I can't change (or at least it doesn't look like I can change) the coefficients for this telescope. They also are different than what ended up being loaded in the two color transform screen. 

I think the transform coefficients loaded into VPHOT need to be looked at for this scope to make sure they're entered right and/or there isn't a glich in VPHOT. 

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Coefficient Discrepancy


Your observations are disturbing! However, I cannot reproduce your finding by looking at the coefficients for Berry or Berry2 or Berry4. I do find a discrepancy but not the one you found?

Can you share (MZK and SGEO) the images you were using and can you share a screen shot of the two color page with the Tbv =2.814 coeff?

Email to and


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
System Name Error


This error has been fixed as we discussed in separate emails. The error was caused by an error in the SystemName for Berry2. I have updated the coeffs in this post and in VPhot.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
BSM_Berry2 Transformation Coefficients 201202

Transformation coefficients for BSM_Berry2 were generated on 201202. The coeffs are shown below. They have been added to the BSM_Berry2 telescope settings in VPhot and are used in VPhot color photometry.

Note that Berry2 uses a Sloan R filter rather than a Cousins R filter. These coeffs transform SR magnitudes to Cousins R magnitudes and they should be reported as such.


description= TG - Version 6.6, Telescope= BSM_Berry2, Time created (UT) = 2020_12_02_23:22:47
Tbv= 1.066
Tb_bv= 0.013
Tbr= 1.097
Tb_br= 0.008
Tb_bi= 0.006
Tbi= 1.012
Tv_bv= -0.017
Tvr= 1.189
Tv_vr= -0.016
Tr_vr= -0.189
Tri= 0.814
Tr_ri= -0.202
Ti_ri= 0.021
Tvi= 0.971
Tv_vi= -0.009
Ti_vi= 0.013
Tr_vi= -0.098
Tbv= 0.019
Tb_bv= 0.010
Tbr= 0.012
Tb_br= 0.007
Tb_bi= 0.005
Tbi= 0.007
Tv_bv= 0.015
Tvr= 0.022
Tv_vr= 0.027
Tr_vr= 0.027
Tri= 0.014
Tr_ri= 0.027
Ti_ri= 0.009
Tvi= 0.013
Tv_vi= 0.014
Ti_vi= 0.007
Tr_vi= 0.013
[R Squared Values]
Tbv= 0.990
Tb_bv= 0.048
Tbr= 0.996
Tb_br= 0.042
Tb_bi= 0.036
Tbi= 0.999
Tv_bv= 0.038
Tvr= 0.990
Tv_vr= 0.013
Tr_vr= 0.630
Tri= 0.991
Tr_ri= 0.658
Ti_ri= 0.232
Tvi= 0.995
Tv_vi= 0.014
Ti_vi= 0.131
Tr_vi= 0.648