Swift triggers on V404 Cyg (ATel #8455)

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Association Française des Observateurs d'Étoiles Variables (AFOEV)
Wed, 12/23/2015 - 19:25

Swift triggers on V404 Cyg

ATel #8455; A. P. Beardmore (U. Leicester), K. L. Page (U. Leicester), E. Kuulkers (ESAC/ESA)
on 23 Dec 2015; 17:00 UT

On 2015-Dec-23 at 05:19:52 UT, the Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) triggered and located a source consistent with V404 Cyg (trigger=668097; GCN Circ. 18716). As is typical with BAT image triggers, the real-time light curve did not show anything significant. However, this is the first automatic detection of V404 Cyg by BAT since the on-board trigger threshold level was reset back to the pre-2015 June outburst value for the source on 2015-Aug-03.


The Swift UV and Optical Telescope (UVOT) obtained white and v-band images of the field which showed the source at magnitudes of 17.79+/-0.06 and 16.23+/-0.25, respectively. The latter is consistent with the MASTER-Tunka observations taken 3.5 hours later (GCN Circ. 18718).

Further Swift observations have been approved in an attempt to determine whether the source is entering another active phase.


Complete text: http://www.astronomerstelegram.org/?read=8455


Merry Christmas and clear skies!



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Possible target!

Thanks for posting this, Patrick. The source seems to be borderline active, but there is something in x-rays that makes it suspicious. I would like to encourage optical observations; it would be very interesting (and rare!) for this object to go through a second flaring phase in a year!


During the June optical flare, we issued the following alert, which has more information on the source and can assist with new observations:


Sequences for the star and finding charts can be created through VSP. Let's see what the object is doing this time...


Best wishes - clear skies,


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Observations needed!

I would like to encourage anyone who can observe this target to acquire data and send them to the AAVSO. It seems that V404 Cyg is doing something "interesting" in x-rays!

Best wishes - clear skies,


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
V0404 Cyg

V0404 Cyg brightened to around mag 12.5 in the I band as of JD2457388.26100


Magyar Csillagàszati Egyesület, Valtózocsillag Szakcsoport (Hungary) (MCSE)
Optical spectra

Optical spectra by Peter Somogyi (HAA/VSS) of the recent rebrightening:


More details:

Observations by Tamás Tordai (HAA/VSS) show it peaked around 13.7V in the evening 31 December:

Clear skies,
