Our club, Central Arkansas Astronomical Society, has recently commissioned a robotic system in a joint venture with Arkansas Tech University. It is available to the university of course and the club. In addition to members using it, it is our hope to recruit some select secondary schools to participate. We are in the recruiting phase now. We will see. We suspect that if we can get one on board, the problem will become turning people down.
Tue, 10/06/2015 - 13:26
I think it would be informative for those of us trying to establish lasting relationships with secondary schools to learn what your recruiting approach is, the level of success - not just expressions of interest but actual involvement of schools and the activities in which their students participate. I have found "expressions of interest" are often hollow without any real intent on the part of school to do anything. If you get follow up from the school, that is wonderful, and we would all benefits from learning how you got the ball rolling, and the things you consider key factors to the successes.
Brad Walter, WBY