Overcast days?

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 17:11


I saw someone monthly numbers where they included zero count on days when the Sun couldn't be oberserved?

Should I include days (like today) when the sun can't be observed because of cloud cover?



cloudy days

Hi David,

Only submit your counts when your confident about the seeing.  There will be other observer's around the world who will probably have a clear view of the sun.  Seeing may be a significant factor, since few folks record data with a 'P' (poor) seeing code.  

So, no, don't submit data when you can't see the sun.  



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thanks again


Thanks again for you help.

A quick about image orientation. Because of my way the telescrope is mounted the eyepiece at a 90 degrees.

And the resulting image is rotated 180 degrees.and is flipped. My question is should I just draw what I see and change the NSEW coordnates to match?




north and south hemispheres


Hi David, 

We just need the north and south hemisphere to be correct.  That is if you plan to submit those counts. The ng, sg, ns, ss counts are optional, but do contain important information. 

Here is a nice program by Peter Meadows (BAA) that helps with the orientation of the sun:http://www.petermeadows.com/html/software.html#HelioViewer

You might download the Helio32 viewer and test it out.  




American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Hi David,
To clarify, a zero

Hi David,

To clarify, a zero sunspot count only applies when you actually observe the the sun and you see no spots on it. This can happen a lot during solar minimum.

If you do not observe the sun (due to whatever reason e.g. clouds or too busy doing something else) do not submit a report at all for that day.
