I am entering my observations, one at a time. Sometimes when I enter a long name eg 6dFGS g0752425-545120, it says that it can't find the chart for that star. But I just entered another observation of that star less than an hour ago and entered the chart.
This is a problem that has been around for at least a year. It only happens with long, unusual names.
Please can something be done to rectify this.
Stephen [HSP]
I just did a search on
I just did a search on VSX for :
for 6dFGS g0752425-545120
Then I used the AAVSO UID : 000-BKT-94
And was able to pull up the chart.
I believe HSP is referring to WebObs not preserving the chart number or name from one observation to the next, rather than a problem with VSP bringing up an old chart. I have had the same issue, and it does indeed seem to be confined to stars with very long "names" (20 or more characters), e.g. "MASTER OT 174902.10+191331.2". For observations of these objects, a "can't find previously used chart" error message is always displayed by WebObs (unless I type in the chart name), whereas the chart number is preserved from one observation to the next with "short-name" stars.
-Carey (CCY)
Yes Carey, very eloquently stated. That's what I was trying to say. When I get my bigger telescope I will be observing a lot more 'long name' stars and it would be great to have this issue addressed by then.
Stephen [HSP]
Will, is there any update on this item?
Kind regards
Thanks for
Hi Stephen,
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I'll look into getting this fixed when I have some time.
Hi Will
I am still having probelms with stars with long names. The most recent is SSS 120724:224740-362254. I have just entered an observation and put in the chart reference. Then I did another observation for the same star and I get the dreaded "can't find a chart" message.
Morning Folks,
I always submit and chart using AUIDs. (Relatively) short and sweet, never had an issue.