transient in Aquila = TCP J19001574+0132356

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Sat, 02/22/2014 - 00:38

Patrick Schmeer has forwarded a posting from the IAU CBAT TOCP page (thanks, Patrick):

TCP J19001574+0132356
R.A. 19h00m15.74s  Decl. +01°32'35.6"  (J2000.0)
11.7 mag (unfiltered) on 2014 Feb. 21.8564 UT
"Koichi Nishiyama, Kurume, Japan and Fujio Kabashima, Miyaki, Japan report a discovery of TCP (mag.= 11.7) in Aql on two 40-s unfiltered CCD frames taken around 2014 Feb. 21.8564 UT ( limiting magnitude=13.2 ), using a 105-mm f/4 camera lens (+SBIG STL6303E camera). We have confirmed immediately the appearance of our discovery this PN on five 3-s unfiltered CCD frames taken around 2014 Feb 21.8695 UT (limiting magnitude=18.0), using a Meade 200R 0.40-m f/9.8 reflector (+SBIG STL1001E camera). (lens magnitude of referred catalogue Hipparcos, others reference catalogue GSC-ACT) Nothing is visible at this location on two past survey frames taken on 2013 Dec 07.392 UT(limiting mag.= 13.1) and 2014 Feb. 15.866 UT (limiting mag.= 13.1) nor on USNO-B1.0, We have checked in Minor Planets. nearest star in USNO B1.0 has position end figures 15s952, 41"60, distance 6".8, magnitudes B2=16.52 R2=14.50 I=13.67"

Observations are requested, and particularly spectroscopy to determine the nature of this transient. Once it is in VSX, please submit observations to the AAVSO International Database using the name TCP J19001574+0132356.

Thank you and good observing,

Elizabeth Waagen, AAVSO HQ

Magyar Csillagàszati Egyesület, Valtózocsillag Szakcsoport (Hungary) (MCSE)
It was C/2012 X1 (LINEAR)?

Several observers reported negative observations of this "possible nova". Meanwhile it turned out that comet
C/2012 X1 (LINEAR) was exactly at the given position yesterday.

An animation by Kirill Sokolowsky: