I'm usually observing with a modest -sized 4'' refractor, but I'm occasionally having an opportynity to observe with a very large telescope. This telescope is 36'' Folded-Newton and it is possible to do visual observations with it.
So, now I'm thinking, what to observe with it? How to use it so that I can get the most out of it? What should I observe with it?
I would be happy to hear your recommendations and advise!
Juha Ojanperä (OJMA)
Hi Juha,
V380 Oph has been recently annouced in the AAVSO Alert Notice 466: http://www.aavso.org/aavso-alert-notice-466
If this star is in a low state, you can try to observe V380 Oph.
You can also observe Z UMi (an RCB star recently near minimum) or RX Lyr (a nice mira star close to M57.) FG Sge can also be a nice target for large telescopes (be avare that FG Sge has a close companion!)
Thank you very much for your suggestions, Robert! I'll start making a list of stars to observe, so that I'm well-prepared when I get the next chance to observe with the big telescope!
-Juha Ojanperä (OJMA)
Look at faint CVs and LPVs near minimum. These will be of great scientific value and very satisfying to you when you can see them.