New AAVSO LPV section page

Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren (Belgium) (VVS)
Wed, 05/11/2016 - 08:14

Nice to see that the AAVSO LPV section page has got an update. Keep on going!

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
New LPV Section Web Page

Hi Hubert and all

Yes we've started a significant update to the web page and have migrated all content to the AAVSO system from the Google web page.  I have taken over as administrator of the Section ably assisted by Mike Soukup and Frank Schorr.  Please bear with us over the next few months as we complete the migration process and iron out all the formatting issues.  We hope to keep the page fresh and updated often so I would encourage all to frequently check back in.  


Andrew Pearce (PEX)





American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
New LPV Section Web Page

Looking real good Andrew! And thanks to Mike and Frank for assisting.

Clear Skies.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Maybe unify in a list  LPV´s

Maybe unify in a list  LPV´s with "special features" in the light curve?

This is my personal list. Any suggestions?


Alfredo Glez-Herrera (GZN)

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
List of unusual LPVs


There already is a page with a list of 73+ LPVs with "humps" on the LPV section page at 

I think another list of LPVs with period changes is a great idea!  Perhaps the LPVs with period changes (and even type changes like T Umi and others) might be having very significant changes on going that should be followed!

Can we start a list of period changing LPVs using the stars you have listed? 


Frank Schorr

Unusual LPVs -- those with period changes

Dear Colleagues,

Identifying Miras with period changes has to be done with care.  A comprehensive study by Templeton, Mattei and Willson (2005 AJ 130, 776) identified a small fraction of Miras that had large period changes which were most likely due to evolution.  But all Miras have (O-C) diagrams that appear to show period changes, but are actually due to the accumulation of random cycle-to-cycle fluctuations in period (Percy and Colivas 1999 PASP 111, 94).  These are of no particular interest, individually, but Thomas Karlsson (2014 JAAVSO 42, 280) has averaged these over 362 Miras and detected the underlying evolutionary change at about the 2-sigma level.  A student and I had done the same, back in 1999 (PASP 111, 98) and found the same result at about the 1.5-sigma level.  We could certainly compile a list of about 30 stars from Templeton et al., plus a few others which have changed their amplitudes systematically.  It's worth observing the rest of the Miras on the AAVSO visual program, but it doesn't have to be intensive observing.

John Percy

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
New Addition to the AAVSO LPV Section Web Page

Hi All

We've justed added the first article to our LPV of the Month web page.  I invite you to check it out.  The star for June is L2 Puppis.  Apologies to our northern hemisphere observers as it is a southern object.  However it is a very interesting star so we hope you enjoy the read.

We will hopefully cover a mixture of northern and southern hemisphere stars on a monthly basis which will hopefully motivate observers to follow these interesting stars. 

If you're interested in putting together a short article on your favourite LPV, we'd love to hear from you.  The intention is to make the page as collaborative as possible with multiple contributors rather than just us administrators!



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
T UMi article

So July LPV of the Month is nothern circumpolar, so we northern hemisphere observers can't complain :)

Just realized there is a nice article from 2011 giving some background to T UMi and similar stars' behaviour: Mira Variables with Period Changes.

Thank you for your work, Andrew.