Volume 50, Number 1 of the Journal of the AAVSO was published today (15 June 2022)! The full content is available online to everyone - members and non-members. A pdf version may be downloaded; a print version will be available soon to everyone for purchase and will be announced. To access the issue and see the table of contents, please go to this page:
We hope you will enjoy this issue of JAAVSO - and will consider publishing your research results in a future issue! For information on publishing in JAAVSO, please visit https://app.aavso.org/jaavso/ .
Happy reading!
Elizabeth O. Waagen, Associate Editor
and on behalf of Nancy D. Morrison, Editor-in-Chief, and Michael Saladyga, Production Editor
The print version of JAAVSO Volume 50, Number 1 is now available for purchase. Please visit (https://www.aavso.org/order-printed-jaavso) for information about ordering a printed copy and a link to purchase a specific issue of JAAVSO, or go directly to (Volume 50, Number 1; 2022) to purchase your copy on Amazon.
Many thanks, and good reading!
Elizabeth O. Waagen, Associate Editor