Help - Remove Images from your Image List

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Wed, 10/20/2021 - 23:24

All VPhot Users:

We occasionally approach the storage space limit for our VPhot Cloud Account. This sometimes causes slowdowns or failures in the system.

It would be appreciated if you could remove any unnecessary images from your account. They are removed automatically after about 100 days but it would help a lot, if you could remove them as soon as they are processed and are no longer needed. Remember that VPhot is not meant to be a long term image archive.

Thanks for your help!


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Images deleted from Vphot after 30 days?

I'd like to check on the current policy on how long a AAVSONet image can stay in VPHOT before it is deleted.  I thought it was 100 or so days.  I need to check because it appears that any images older than 30 days old in my VPHOT queue was deleted today (this first I noticed it).  I might be mistaken so I would like to double check if this might be a new policy.

I've been very sick for the last month (May 3rd) but am trying to reduce my queue as much as I can and I though I had it under control based on 60 or 100 days.

Please let me know so I can plan accordly.


Frank Schorr SFRA

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
30 day archive


Yes, the image holding period has been reduced to 30 days due to storage limitations. Sorry that this change has caused you some additional effort. It is unlikely that this limit will be reduced any more since the VPhot team understands that normal work and vacation activity would make that unreasonably short. We would somehow find money to buy more space?


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Out of curiosity, how much…

Out of curiosity, how much space are we talking about?

I maintain a small High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster for the department of biological science at my local university and I've had some success with purchasing a used 4U storage server which I then fill up with drives. You can usually find some used supermicro storage servers on ebay for ~$500 (a 4U server can hold 36 3.5" drives). Stick in it 12 20Tb hard drives (~$400 a piece) and set them in RAID1 and you have 120Tb of disk space available for ~$5k.

But I don't know if VPHOT is hosted on some internal server or somewhere on the cloud where you can't physically add storage...

