Data to be included in WebObs submission files from AAVSOnet images

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Sun, 12/10/2023 - 20:38

When you submit the photometry you have extracted from the images you have received from the AAVSOnet we want you to include information about where the images came from. This will help us track the success of the AAVSOnet participants to generate data for the AID.

The images contain in their FITS headers information on the observatory and project that produced them:   eg  OBSERVAT=BSM_NM   and PROJNAME= AAVSO_P259_SGEO_AUTO.  This information should be included in the notes section of the records you submit to the AID via WebObs. If you process these images with VPhot, this will done for you automatically. If you do not use VPhot, please endeavor to add this information to the notes fields. The recommended format for the notes field would be:   ,<general comment>|OBSERVAT=<observatory>|PROJNAME=<project name>.

If you need help doing this for your particular workflow, please ask here or email for suggestions and advice.
