Thu, 05/29/2014 - 13:18

Hello everybody,

me and my "amateur astronomers" friends are working on a sample of emission-line stars taken by the Kohoutek catalog (III/205 in the Vizier database at CDS-Strasbourg http://cds.u-strasbg.fr/     H-alpha Stars in Northern Milky Way  Kohoutek+ 1997). We use IRAF as general standard reduction package and, since the Kohoutek stars are generally on the galactic plane, we focused on the  usage of the DAOPHOT package for measuring magnitudes in crowded fields with the tecnique of the aperture correction. We wrote some kind of a tutorial and a few little programs in Python and Scilab useful for the reduction processes.   If anybody is interested in our work we will greatly appreciate any comments and suggestion from the AAVSO community.  Here is the link to a Dropbox public folder address of the tutorial for download:




and here are the updated links to the Scilab and Python   scripts:










Antonio Tegon, Giancarlo Conselvan and Danilo Zardin

Circolo Astrofili (Amateur Astronomer Club) "G. Ruggieri" Mestre (Venezia)  Italy http://www.astrofilimestre.it/

rewriting the tutorial

we are rewriting the tutorial in order to deal both with differential and all-sky photometry

we have also found a bug in one of our Scilab programs 

as soon as possible we will post the new links  to the revised version of the tutorial and of the Scilab programs

antonio tegon

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)


I'm interested in following the daophot tutorial, however, the link seems to be broken, or at least it doesnt allow me to see any file. It says Error 403.

DAOPHOT PSF photometry topic still live?

I also am interested, but the links do not appear to work. Is there another way to access the tutorial?

Roy Axelsen, Brisbane, Australia

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
DAOPHOT PSF tutorial

I also have an interest in using your tutorial but none of the "dropbox" URL's mentioned in this forum topic string seem to be valid at this time.  Is there another link you can provide to the manual and data?

It would be most helpful.

Thank you.

Frank Schorr (SFRA)