The next round of CHOICE courses are open for registration.
Running August 20th through September 20th, we will be presenting both "Developing a Visual Variable Star Observing Program" and "Variable Star Classification & Light Curves." Visit the CHOICE in Astronomy main page for class descriptions and more information about the Carolyn Hurless Online Institute for Continuing Education in Astronomy. Visit the AAVSO online store to register for a course.
We hope to "see" you there!
I want to sign up for the CHOICE course "Developing a Visual Variable Star Observing Program" that runs from Aug 20 through Sep 20. I went to listing in the AAVSO online store, entered '1' in quantity box, filled in the intial required billing information and then went to the "review your order" page. I tried this three times - each time it listed another course called "CCD Image Calibration"
If you could help me with this it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
Douglas A. Fowler
The descriptions for both of these new courses in the online store appear to be identical. Is that correct?
I received the same message - CCD Calibration. Please advise.
I did the same thing but didn't pay attention on the 'review order' page until I'd already paid for the course. FYI my intention was to take the course listed in the subject line. Thanks.
The course listed on the store page (where you enter the quantity) is the one that you have been/will be registered for. The mismatched review page is an error.
Descriptions can be found on this page by clicking on the course name. I will also include them below.
I have contacted our web programmer and asked him to fix these issues asap. We will also send a confirmation email on Monday to anyone who has registered up until that point reconfirming that you have registered for the class that you intended to register for.
Our apologies for the confusion,
Developing a Visual Variable Star Observing Program This course is designed to aid the visual observer in the selection of variable stars appropriate for their equipment, experience, observing location and other criteria. The course concentrates on guiding observers toward stars for which visual data holds the most promise for continued contributions to science. Participants also learn to use VSX, the LPV Bulletin and other tools to build their observing programs.
Variable Star Classification & Light Curves This course is an overview of the types of variable stars most commonly observed by AAVSO observers. We discuss the physical processes behind what makes each type variable and how this is demonstrated in their light curves. Variable star names and nomenclature are placed in a historical context to aid in understanding today’s classification scheme.
The issues with the course descriptions and review page titles have been fixed. There may be an issue with the confirmation emails not being sent to some folks, so we still plan to reconfirm all registrations manually on Monday - just to be sure that everyone has the appropriate confirmation.
Thanks for your patience,
Thank you so much
Thank you so much for working out this confusion. Much Appreciated! I look forward to he course!
Doug Fowler
Thanks for the fast fixup Rebecca, much appreciated.
Thanks, Rebecca - I'm all set!