Check your year when submitting estimates, lol

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Sun, 01/17/2021 - 22:06

I can't believe I did this.  This is the variable star equivilent of writing the previous year on one's checks.  :)

I submitted nearly ten estimates for January before I realized I had been using 2020 for the date on the submission form.  Oopsie.  Thankfully there is a nice edit button.  (And I'm glad I caught it!)

--Michael in Houston (RMW)

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
2021 is here

Don't worry, Michael, it happens every year. You have a credit of two weeks +/-2 days ;))

Good that you spotted it!

While doing VSX updates I have to include the publication year for the most recent objects added from alerts.
Until I make at least one mistake, I can't say that the new year has begun :(
