BSM_S4 Transformation Coefficients

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 08/10/2023 - 00:13

Transformation Coefficients were generated on 230808 using M11 images. The coeffs (BSM_S4 230808 Transform Coeff.txt) are reported below and they have been added to VPhot:

description= TG - Version 6.9, Telescope= BSM_S4, Time created (UT) = 2023_08_10_00:06:52
Tbv= 1.018
Tb_bv= -0.023
Tbr= 1.016
Tb_br= -0.015
Tb_bi= -0.014
Tbi= 1.011
Tv_bv= -0.044
Tvr= 1.036
Tv_vr= -0.083
Tr_vr= -0.125
Tri= 0.995
Tr_ri= -0.142
Ti_ri= -0.093
Tvi= 1.013
Tv_vi= -0.041
Ti_vi= -0.045
Tr_vi= -0.068
Tbv= 0.017
Tb_bv= 0.020
Tbr= 0.009
Tb_br= 0.012
Tb_bi= 0.010
Tbi= 0.010
Tv_bv= 0.017
Tvr= 0.012
Tv_vr= 0.030
Tr_vr= 0.028
Tri= 0.024
Tr_ri= 0.032
Ti_ri= 0.037
Tvi= 0.013
Tv_vi= 0.018
Ti_vi= 0.018
Tr_vi= 0.015
[R Squared Values]
Tbv= 0.992
Tb_bv= 0.065
Tbr= 0.996
Tb_br= 0.040
Tb_bi= 0.068
Tbi= 0.995
Tv_bv= 0.144
Tvr= 0.993
Tv_vr= 0.174
Tr_vr= 0.345
Tri= 0.971
Tr_ri= 0.334
Ti_ri= 0.117
Tvi= 0.990
Tv_vi= 0.095
Ti_vi= 0.118
Tr_vi= 0.328