ASASSN-18ix: possible nova (12.5 mag) in Telescopium (ATel #11561)

Association Française des Observateurs d'Étoiles Variables (AFOEV)
Sun, 04/22/2018 - 18:10

ASASSN-18ix (N:/UG:)

RA 18h26m31.10s, DEC -46°53'03.3" (J2000.0)
2018 April 22.35 UT, V= 12.6 mag
Discoverer: All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)

"ASAS-SN Discovery of a Possible Galactic Nova ASASSN-18ix":

ASASSN-18ix 20180421.39 <167V ASN
ASASSN-18ix 20180422.05 129g ASN
ASASSN-18ix 20180422.24 125g ASN
ASASSN-18ix 20180422.35 126V ASN

GSC2.3 SC92162262 (Bj= 21.42 mag), which is 2.2" away from the ASAS-SN position at RA 18 26 30.892, DEC -46 53 03.83 (J2000.0) may be the progenitor.

Spectroscopy, multiband photometry, and precise astrometry are urgently required.

Clear skies,

Association Française des Observateurs d'Étoiles Variables (AFOEV)
Brian Skiff's comment

Brian Skiff writes about GSC2.3 SC92162262 as the possible progenitor (vsnet-alert 22103):
"This star does appear to be relatively blue on the southern Schmidt survey images (invisible or barely visible on DSS2 red and far-red plates, but readily visible on the blue plate). The GSC-2.3 and SuperCOSMOS coordinates compared:
18 26 30.89 -46 53 03.8 GSC-2.3
18 26 30.93 -46 53 03.5 SuperCOSMOS, epoch 1974.612
Both show blue magnitude 21.4 from independent scans of the plates."

Association Française des Observateurs d'Étoiles Variables (AFOEV)
Rob Kaufman's observation (2018 April 23.530 UT)

"Just imaged it, appears quite blue under high saturation. My guess is not a nova. Magnitude around 12.9 in green channel (~V). Definitely fainter than the 12.6V in ATel."

Looks like a high-amplitude dwarf nova outburst (UGWZ?). Time-resolved photometry and precise astrometry have now the highest prority.