Here is the current status of the network.
BSM_Berry operational
BSM_Hamren operational
BSM_HQ operational, though we're doing some Working Group testing, so the most recent imagery may get delayed for a few days. It was down for a couple of weeks recently due to a blizzard that caused the rooftop network switch to fail.
BSM_NM off-line. Bill Stein has been on vacation the past couple of weeks; he should be back soon. There are several early February nights, and a couple of dozen nights in the November-December timeframe, that have not been processed and distributed to researchers. We hope to do that soon.
BSM_S operational
coker30 this system has been decommissioned. We are in the process of moving its objects to different telescopes.
SRO operational
TMO61 off-line. Bill Stein has been on vacation the past couple of weeks; he should be back soon. Bill makes the judgement call at the beginning of the night as to whether to open. Gary Walker is the telescope advocate.
OC61 sorta operational. The filter wheel stuck again last night; this is the second time in a couple of weeks, so I am hoping that the site manager, Nigel Frost, can disassemble the wheel and check it out.