Special Notice #202: Classical nova event in V407 Cyg

March 14, 2010: Further to Munari et al. (CBET 2204, D.W.E. Green, editor), the presumed symbiotic star V407 Cyg is exhibiting spectral features clearly indicating a classical nova of the He/N type. This strongly suggests that the white dwarf component of the system is currently undergoing a nova outburst rather than a symbiotic-type outburst. The spectral evolution of this nova may be very fast given the likely large mass loss rate of the Mira-type donor star. We urgently request observations of V407 Cyg to provide photometric coverage of this unique event. Multicolor, calibrated photometry to track the spectral changes is especially encouraged.
An Alert Notice on this object will be issued within the next 24 hours.
V407 Cyg is located at the following (J2000) coordinates:
RA: 21 02 09.85 , Dec: +45 46 33.0
Charts for V407 Cyg may be plotted using AAVSO VSP (http://www.aavso.org/vsp).
Please report all observations of this object to the AAVSO using the name "V407 CYG".
This AAVSO Special Notice was prepared by Matthew Templeton.
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