Alert Notice (un-numbered January 19, 1982): Special Alert Notice on Cataclysmic Variables

The AAVSO office will be closed or have minimal staffing from Dec 25th through January 1st, so responses may be slow. We apologize for any inconvenience and wish everyone a Happy Holiday!

January 19, 1982

187 Concord Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA
Tel. 617-354-0484



We have received a telex from D. M. Mouchet at Brussels University requesting our assistance during his observing run of cataclysmic variables at European Southern Observatory in Chile from January 30th through February 1st, 1982. He and his colleagues will be monitoring the outbursts of those stars listed below, both spectroscopically and photometrically.

0924+21   TU Leo
0945+12   X Leo
0945-33    AG Hya
1004-69    OY Car
1035-79    RX Cha
1109-37    V436 Cen
1120-35    V442 Cen
1132+02   RZ Leo
1133+03   T Leo
1140-03    TW Vir
1154-58    SW Crt
1207-43    MU Cen
1220-45    V373 Cen
1227+14   AL Com
1247-28    EX Hya
1251+27   GO Com
1251-32    V485 Cen

They are depending on us - you - to inform them of the outbursts. Please observe as many of the stars listed here as possible, and call me (HQ - 617-354-0484 on weekdays; Home - 617-xxx-xxxx evenings until 11 pm and weekends) if any of them brighten.


My sincere thanks to all of you who participated in last week's IUE observing run of France Cordova's. Your observations, generally made at sub-zero temperatures, were a real sign of your dedication  and devotion to variable star observing and to astronomy. During the IUE run, of the stars on France's list, only CN Ori went up, and she was able to obtain good IUE data during its minimum, its rise, and at maximum.

Many, many thanks, again!

Good observing! I look forward to hearing from you.

Janet A. Mattei