I noticed I was still getting data from the AAVSOnet scopes, but I don't have access to the ftp site any more. The link: ftp://ftp.aavso.org/public/aavsonet/hjz/ doesn't work any more for me.
Update: 26 May: Still no access to the ftp site. I've tried multiple browsers, operating systems, and different computures, but no luck getting in.
I have access to you image (M56/SRO) now, maybe you could try one more time
On further investigation, the url you provided is not working. You can access you images using this url, ftp://ftp.aavsonet.aavso.org/aavsonet/
The address/URL to use for AAVSONet images is ftp://ftp.aavsonet.aavso.org/aavsonet/ as it was changed some months ago.
The new address/URL to use for AAVSONet images is ftp://ftp.aavsonet.aavso.org/aavsonet/ as it was changed some months ago. This is a new FTP site.
Frank (SFRA)
Thanks! Things are working again.