How many double maxima LPVs are known?

Wed, 02/24/2021 - 04:44

I was wondering how may double maxima Mira stars are known. I found this poster by Matt Templeton from 2004, listing a grand total of 7:

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Variable Stars South

Variable Stars South has been running a dual max mira project for a few years. Here is a link to it which has a lot of good info on these rare stars.

They have identified 12 stars with this behavior, 7 of which are Miras and the other 5 are semi-regulars. 

I had found that page, but…

I had found that page, but the info there dates back over 10 years. There are some additional stars listed, though as I was suspecting, they are a pretty rare breed. Thanks for the pointer.