Hi everyone,
If you're able to do CCD time series, observations of GR Ori would be very welcome over the next few weeks. Spectra by Terry Bohlsen and others made clear this is a CV rather than a nova, and given the amplitude it is likely to be a WZ Sge star. Given that, superhumps may start to appear in the near future. If you can get good S/N (> 20) in under 5 minutes at V=14-15, it's worth your time.
If you're using old charts for this, please update them -- both the coordinates and the sequence were updated in the past few days.
Many thanks to the observers currently following this star!
Clear skies,
To: Matt,
My photometry is flexiable, but this object hits meridian about 1-2 hrs after it get dark. Would it be better to do a single Clear filter as V series for maximum SNR or a BBBVVVRRRBBBVVVRRR series? Using filters increases my exposure time by about 3x. I seem to get the best "contrast" from my light polluted sky with the B filter. The R & V filter shows more backround sky vingnettting, because I'm looking over downtown LA where this object sets.