gamma Cas HeI 6678 Radial Velocity Campaign

Fri, 12/11/2015 - 15:39

Dear colleagues,

I would like to inform you about the

Campaign Monitoring Radial Velocity of HeI 6678 of gamma Cas:


Ernst Pollmann

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Nice spectra!

Dear Ernst,


Very nice spectra and study! If memory serves, gamma Cas has a disk. Any comments on its contributions on the observed RV variations?


Also, where will you publish your report? These are great data and would be an enrichment of our literature!

Best wishes - clear skies,


gamma Cas HeI 6678 Radial Velocity Campaign

Dear Stella,
I intend at the moment, to extend the current set of data with further spectra of the BeSS data base.
And you are right, this investigation seems to be fairly interesting against the background of the mystery things which happen right now in the disk within the Halpha region (re-structuring, turbulences). I could imagine that this topic would be interesting in terms of an article in the AAVSO journal.
