Today I received B and V images of the R CrB field from the new BSM_TX system dated 2020-04-29.
Pointing, tracking, and focus are all good.
R CrB and three of the brightest comps are saturated in both images. Saturation starts at SNR's below 300. I'm attaching screen shots of the VPhot image display window with the comp star list, and also the Photometry Report table for the stacked V image.
I am already getting good images of R CrB from NH2 and NM2, but please let me know if I can be of any help with your evaluation of the new TX system.
Please recommend an exposure.
B filter 12s X 8 (was 15s X 8)
V fliter 6s X 6 (was 8s X 6)
R filter 7s X 3 (was 10s X 3) Target saturated, still good SNR's in comps.
I filter 7s X 8 (was 10s X 3) Target saturated and comps borderline too faint.
Was this camera linearity tested? The limit in the VPhot telescope account is set at 55K, but the curves of growth for SNR look pretty flat for images with max ADUs in the measuring aperture above about 40K.
Plan updated.
Linearity probably not tested. Please share a few images.
I shared the stacked images and my User Defined Sequence for these images.