Donn R. Starkey (1952-2021)

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 04/08/2021 - 14:03


The AAVSO and the variable star observing community have lost a good friend with the untimely passing of Donn Starkey.

Donn joined the AAVSO in 1999. He began contributing variable star observations to the AAVSO International Database in 2001 (observer code SDB), first as a Visual observer and then concentrating on CCD observing, with a total of 120,623 observations to his credit. Donn was very active in observing campaigns, providing data in support of the research being carried out. His contributions as an observer were recognized through his receiving several AAVSO Observer Awards for both Visual and CCD observing.

Donn also was very supportive of the AAVSO as an organization. He served on the AAVSO Council (now Board) from 2010 through 2014, providing wise counsel and guidance thanks to his long experience in business and budget management. As an active observer with experience in two modes of observing, he also brought that valuable perspective to the Council. In addition to giving of his time and talents, he gave generously financially. A special contribution he made in this area was during our Centennial in 2011, when he donated the services of his company to produce over 20 large poster displays showing groups of AAVSO individuals who had served or achieved in different areas since its founding.

Donn’s love of variable stars and his wish to pass forward the joy and rewards of variable star observing led him to be a mentor to students of astronomy of all ages, from speaking with individuals and groups, to sharing his observatory resources with students for their research, to advising on the intricacies of CCD instrumentation and data reduction. The AAVSO was proud to recognize Donn’s efforts in this area with its William Tyler Olcott Distinguished Service Award in 2016 for “his enthusiastic commitment to educating and mentoring both the current and next generation of variable star observers, and assuring the future success of the AAVSO through his forward-thinking service on Council, lending his considerable business acumen to the Investment and Budget Committees, and serving as a tireless advocate for the observation of variable stars."

It was always a pleasure to see Donn at meetings and other astronomical events and to have the opportunity for conversation. Special memories come from the 2015 AAVSO Spring Meeting, when he and his wife Connie welcomed AAVSO meeting attendees to a wonderful gathering at their home. Whatever the setting or subject, his enthusiasm and caring were always present, and Donn will be greatly missed. Deepest sympathy is extended to Connie and their family, and to Donn’s many friends and colleagues.

He is leaving a great legacy with the AAVSO!
