V336 Per in outburst! (ASAS-SN CV Patrol)

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Association Francaise des Observateurs d'Etoiles Variables (AFOEV)
Wed, 08/03/2016 - 04:47

V336 Persei (UG)

Mag. range: 14.3 - <20.0 p
Orbital period: unknown

The International Variable Star Index (VSX):

V0336Per 03:22:53.91 41:37:01.30 18.37
2016/08/01 14:06 57601.58767999988 15.38
15.43 57601.58893

PERV336 20160727.6 <16.79V ASN
PERV336 20160801.588 15.38V ASN
PERV336 20160801.589 15.43V ASN

The most recently observed outburst was detected by Jeremy Shears on 2009 August 27.971 UT (14.2 mag unfiltered).

Time-resolved photometry is urgently required.

Clear skies,

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
V336 Per

I got a 4 hour run on V336 Per, it's around 15.1 unfiltered.

Cheer's, Douglas

Association Francaise des Observateurs d'Etoiles Variables (AFOEV)
V336 Persei is still bright!

PERV336 20160803.597 15.18V ASN
PERV336 20160806.580 15.26V ASN

Superoutburst of a WZ Sge-/SU UMa-type or long outburst of an SS Cyg-type dwarf nova?