Superoutburst of HT Cas

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Fri, 01/13/2017 - 06:46

I have been told that the cataclysmic variable star HT Cas is currently in superoutburst. Since the star enters this state only rarely, observers are strongly encouraged to monitor it over the next few days.

I took images tonight (UT Jan 13 05:00-ish) and verified that the star is much brighter than its usual state; at a very rough guess, V = 12-13. It's best early in the evening, before it passes under the pole.

Good luck!

Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC)
HT Cas observed last night

I observed this star for about 4.5 hours last night (data uploaded) and light curve attached. I managed to pick up nearly 3 eclipses! Thanks for the heads up!

The mean V mag is presently 12.8.

Dave Lane (LDJ)

Abbey Ridge Obs.

British Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section (BAA-VSS)
Re: HT Cas

Nice plot David. HT Cas has a lovely superoutburst profile, with superhumps and eclipses.   My ephemeris isn't too far off either by the look of it. 
