Special Notice #89: Rare Outburst of 0103+59 HT Cas
January 10, 2008
Coordinates: RA 01:10:12.98 Dec. +60:04:35.9 (2000.0)
AAVSO observer Glenn Chaple, Townsend, MA, reports that the UGSS+EA type dwarf nova HT Cas is in outburst for the first time since February 2002, with his visual observation of 13.6 on January 10.0076 UT. Makoto Uemura and colleagues at Hiroshima University (vsnet-alert 9807) confirmed the outburst with an observation of 14.02V on January 10.5278 UT. This outburst looks to be a normal, brief outburst, probably lasting only 2-3 days.