We have disabled uploading attachments and images in forum posts, as there was a security concern. We are working on identifying other ways to share such information within our community.
Thank you for your understanding while we are working on this issue.
Best wishes, clear skies and be safe!
Has there been progress on this front?
Of course, the AAVSO should do everything that is reasonably possible to protect the security of the AAVSO networks. I hope that a work around for this issue in the forums will come soon. The lack of direct access from a forum post to supporting files, images, plots, etc. has IMO degraded the usefulness of the forums.
In that case, please remove all web page content suggesting that files CAN be uploaded, until the security problem has been resolved.
I would like to point out that attachments *are* permitted in the members-only forums. Without them, my CHOICE course would not have been practical.